Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
Yesterday Tamar went on a field trip to the Freedom Trail. Here is a copy of our itinerary:
The Freedom Trail
Field Trip Itinerary for May 1, 2014
10:00 Tour Paul Revere’s House
11 Tour Old North Church
11:30 Have snack @ Faneuil Marketplace
12:00 Tour Old South Meeting House
12:45 - 1:30 Eat lunch @ Faneuil Hall Marketplace
1:45 View outside of Boston Tea Party replica ships
2:00 Return to school
We had a blast! Most of the students say their favorite "stop" is Paul Revere's House. But all that we did was fun and informative. Students learned a lot. Here are some pictures.
Fourth Graders gather outside the Paul Revere House |
Tamar poses in front of a statue of Paul Revere on his famous midnight ride |
Fourth Graders smile in the Old North Church. Here, they are on Paul Revere's son's pew. His descendants still own it today. |
Tamar learns about the Old South Meeting House |
Another shot of fourth graders at the Old South Meeting House |
Next week students will each be assigned a stop on the Freedom Trail to research and, eventually, present on. On Colonial Day II, you will all have a chance to "walk" to MWJDS Freedom Trail. Date is TBD.
Hamorah Eliza