Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
On Thursday afternoon we celebrated Tu B'Shvat, which is Arbor Day or "The New Year for the Trees". One custom associated with this holiday is to eat fruits, or to eat from the Seven Species (shivat haminim) described in the torah as being abundant in the land of Israel. Third and fourth graders actually led our school-wide celebration. They each had lines that punctuated our Tu B'Shvat seder, which consisted of four courses of fruits and four courses of grape juice to represent the four seasons of the year.
We also did a really cool art project. Each student in the school wrote his/her name on a leaf and glued it to a branch on our Tu B'Shvat tree, which Hamorah Carol painted. Each grade had its own branch. Once everyone had a turn to go up to fasten his/her leaf to the tree, we had a colorful, beautiful, leafy tree to admire as we ate and drank.
Parents and visiters attended and it was just a really nice way to celebrate nature and community and the land of Israel. Here are some pictures from our fun afternoon.
Gefen students add their leaves to the Tu B'Shvat tree |
Leaves! |
Justin attaches his leaf. |
Tamar students take their turns. |
Tamar students say "cheese" with Rav Hazzan |
Hamorah Eliza