Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
Yes, you read that title right: draw sound. Let me explain...
This week we wrapped up our Science unit. Students have spent the majority of the semester learning about sound and acoustical engineering. Most recently (and more specifically), they have been learning about spectrograms and how they work. A spectrogram is essentially an image that represents sound. After the students looked at various types of spectrograms made by experts in the field, they broke into groups to come up with their own original systems for representing sound. Each group's system had to communicate to viewers volume, duration and pitch all at the same time.
It was a challenging task and students got confused and frustrated at times. However, by following the Engineering Design Process, which involves imagining, testing and re-imagining, they were able to come up with some pretty cool sound representation systems.
As a way to test these systems, each group used its own system to make a spectrogram that represented a specific bird call (we have a collection of bird calls on a CD). I recorded who did what. On Wednesday we had a "pop quiz". All the students introduced their sound representation systems to the rest of the class. Once everyone understood how to "read" each of the systems, I played the bird calls for the whole class one by one. The students had to match the five groups' spectrograms with the bird calls they represented.
Guess how this went?
Actually, everyone in the class got every single match correct! Success!!!! I was so impressed. This is an example of hard, challenging work paying off. The students felt so proud and excited about their creations. Hamorah Janis and I were proud and excited too.
In January, we will begin a new unit on light and optical engineering.
Until then, have a wonderful winter break and a happy New Year!
Hamorah Eliza
Friday, December 20, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Tamar Students Stun at MWJDS Gala 2013!
Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
Fourth Graders blew everyone's socks off last night at the MWJDS Gala 2013. They looked so mature in their Sunday best. They were perfect gentlemen and gentlewomen! At the party, fourth graders' duties included: greeting Gala guests at the entrance, checking guests' coats, and selling "tickets" (shiny red beaded necklaces) for the raffle, which took place toward the end of the evening. Tamar students took their jobs seriously. They took them so seriously, in fact, that they raised... wait for it... an astounding $1,340 in raffle tickets!
During the "boring" part of the night (the speeches), fourth graders had their own "kids room" where they watched a movie, chatted and had dessert. It was a great bonding experience for the group. It was also a nice way for Tamar students to give back to the school that does so much for them every day! Here are the highlights of the night in the students' own words:
Sam said, "The Gala was lots of fun and I learned a lot about MWJDS, like the fact that a lot of supporters care about our school."
Hadass said, "My favorite part of the Gala was being able to hang out with my friends and help my school."
Avia said, "I'm glad that there are a lot more supporters for our school than I thought. Also, the dessert was delicious."
Meg said, "The dessert was awesome. And there were lots and lots of supporters that really wanted to buy raffle tickets."
Bryce said, "My favorite part of the night was raising $1,340 for MWJDS."
Those are just two snapshots I took during the evening. Professional photographs from the night will be posted on MWJDS's website soon!
Hamorah Eliza
Fourth Graders blew everyone's socks off last night at the MWJDS Gala 2013. They looked so mature in their Sunday best. They were perfect gentlemen and gentlewomen! At the party, fourth graders' duties included: greeting Gala guests at the entrance, checking guests' coats, and selling "tickets" (shiny red beaded necklaces) for the raffle, which took place toward the end of the evening. Tamar students took their jobs seriously. They took them so seriously, in fact, that they raised... wait for it... an astounding $1,340 in raffle tickets!
During the "boring" part of the night (the speeches), fourth graders had their own "kids room" where they watched a movie, chatted and had dessert. It was a great bonding experience for the group. It was also a nice way for Tamar students to give back to the school that does so much for them every day! Here are the highlights of the night in the students' own words:
Sam said, "The Gala was lots of fun and I learned a lot about MWJDS, like the fact that a lot of supporters care about our school."
Hadass said, "My favorite part of the Gala was being able to hang out with my friends and help my school."
Avia said, "I'm glad that there are a lot more supporters for our school than I thought. Also, the dessert was delicious."
Meg said, "The dessert was awesome. And there were lots and lots of supporters that really wanted to buy raffle tickets."
Bryce said, "My favorite part of the night was raising $1,340 for MWJDS."
Bryce and Sam clean up well :-) |
Hadass, Avia and Meg smile for the camera |
Hamorah Eliza
Friday, December 13, 2013
More Coding Fun :-)
Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
Fourth Graders did more coding practice today. They introduced their kindergarten buddies to the Hour of Code initiative and solved coding puzzles using a site called Tynker. Students can solve coding puzzles at home by visiting Below are some snapshots of fourth graders and their buddies at work.
Hamorah Eliza
Fourth Graders did more coding practice today. They introduced their kindergarten buddies to the Hour of Code initiative and solved coding puzzles using a site called Tynker. Students can solve coding puzzles at home by visiting Below are some snapshots of fourth graders and their buddies at work.
Hamorah Eliza
Dear Gefen Parents,
This week our special Blog person is Maayan.
We did more history pockets in social studies. We learned about how the Pilgrims were strict parents. They wanted their children to have manners at the table. Two examples are: Stuff not thy mouth to fill thy cheeks and Sing not, hum not, wriggle not.
We are writing "Realistic Fiction" stories during writing. We were inspired by a story that Hamorah Janis read before we decided what to write. The book is called Grandpa's Teeth, it is about a grandpa that blames everyone for stealing his fake teeth. This was a good way for us to start our new stories.
We are almost finished reading Frindle. Hopefully, we will finish next week.
We took part in the "Hour of Code" during science this week. We did a game with Angry Bird where we had to move the bird to the pig using lines of code.
We wish everyone a nice shabbat. Stay safe during the snow storm.
Best wishes,
This week our special Blog person is Maayan.
We did more history pockets in social studies. We learned about how the Pilgrims were strict parents. They wanted their children to have manners at the table. Two examples are: Stuff not thy mouth to fill thy cheeks and Sing not, hum not, wriggle not.
We are writing "Realistic Fiction" stories during writing. We were inspired by a story that Hamorah Janis read before we decided what to write. The book is called Grandpa's Teeth, it is about a grandpa that blames everyone for stealing his fake teeth. This was a good way for us to start our new stories.
We are almost finished reading Frindle. Hopefully, we will finish next week.
We took part in the "Hour of Code" during science this week. We did a game with Angry Bird where we had to move the bird to the pig using lines of code.
We wish everyone a nice shabbat. Stay safe during the snow storm.
Best wishes,
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Gefen and Tamar Students Write Their First Lines of Computer Code!
Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
December 9-15, 2013 is Computer Science Education Week. To celebrate, MWJDS third and fourth graders are participating in Hour of Code, a nationwide campaign backed by President Obama and famous names in the Computer Science world, including Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, dedicated to expanding student participation in computer science education.
Today, as part of Hour of Code, Gefen and Tamar students watched a short video about code writing. Then students actually wrote their first lines of code! They learned to do this through an interactive program that guided students to complete Angry Bird-themed puzzles. In order to make the angry bird move in each puzzle, students had to write code and then "run the program". The students had a ball. In fact, they loved it SO MUCH that many of them asked if they could write down the web address so that they could visit the site again from home. They were all disappointed when our Science period was over and we had to break for Spanish class.
To access introductory code writing tutorials for kids, or to learn more about Hour of Code, visit To access the specific tutorial we did today, visit the direct link I urge you to explore both sites further with your children. They each have a lot of valuable material!
Hamorah Eliza
Friday, December 6, 2013
The best thing we did this week was practice for the gala.
i liked it because I'm excited for the gala.
something that happened this week which i am proud of is when we made a list of our favorite thing about MWJDS with our k-buddies.
I would still like to improve how I speak hebrew fluently .
the hardest part of the week was taking a test in math.
I hope that next week we start the book with our K-buddies.
I would like to compliment Hamorah Eliza for making this week really fun.
Thanks for reading,
My Week
The best thing we did this week was read James And The Giant Peach.
I liked it because I never read it.I only saw the movie.
something that happened this week which I am proud of is showing my nook to my kindergartern buddy.
I would still like to improve how I focus on working
the hardest part of my week was practicing for the gala.
I hope that next week I will finish all my homework
I would like to compliment Meg for helping me with math
Hello Gefen Parents this week Amanda Mintz is the reporter.
Here is this weeks news from the Gefen class:
We are publishing our stories, we will be starting new narratives next week.
We are still reading Frindle it's a good book. We are up to chapter eight in the book, Nick made a new word for pen, "Frindle."
We are taking home our keeping rooms. A keeping room is something that the Pilgrims used to live in.
Today we had a spelling test in our class room. We have spelling tests every Friday.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Shabbat Shalom
Hamorah Janis
Here is this weeks news from the Gefen class:
We are publishing our stories, we will be starting new narratives next week.
We are still reading Frindle it's a good book. We are up to chapter eight in the book, Nick made a new word for pen, "Frindle."
We are taking home our keeping rooms. A keeping room is something that the Pilgrims used to live in.
Today we had a spelling test in our class room. We have spelling tests every Friday.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Shabbat Shalom
Hamorah Janis
Week Review
Dear Blog Readers,
The best thing we did this week was interviewing the honoree for the Gala.
I liked it because we got dressed up and it was really fun.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is reading The Witches.
I would still improve how I write.
The hardest part of the week was doing the colony project.
I hope that next week I finish The Witches and work on the southern colonies project.
I would like to compliment Hamorah Eliza for being a great teacher all the time.
Best Wishes,
Eliana S.
Playground Project
Shalom Friends,
The best thing that happened this week was the playground project.
I liked it because one of the three playground ideas (there is three groups) might be the playground for the school.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is winning game one of the 3rd super bowl.
(I have talked about it in an earlier blog post.)
The hardest part of the week was measuring part of the playground.
I hope next week I can share my minecraft merchandise.
I would like to compliment Micah for helping me measure.
As always stay cool,
The best thing that happened this week was the playground project.
I liked it because one of the three playground ideas (there is three groups) might be the playground for the school.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is winning game one of the 3rd super bowl.
(I have talked about it in an earlier blog post.)
The hardest part of the week was measuring part of the playground.
I hope next week I can share my minecraft merchandise.
I would like to compliment Micah for helping me measure.
As always stay cool,
books and Lines
Dear readers,
The best thing we did this week was making a book with kindergarten buddies.
I liked it because we usually only play but now we have a project.
Something that this week which I am proud of is learning how long your foot could fall asleep.
I would still like to improve how I practice my lines for the gala.
The hardest part of the week was preparing for the gala.
I hope that next week I can see how good my video is.
I would like to complement Avia for there this week
Readers goodbye,
Hadass's Week
Dear Tamar and Gefen Parents,
The best thing we did this week was preparing for the Gala. I liked it because we got to dress up and we got to do videos. Something that happened this week which I am proud of is me completing my first math assessment in my new math class. I would still like to improve how I write and how I express my feelings so I don't them physically. The hardest part of the week was planning my dog walking business with my friend, Eliana. I hope that next week I can spend more time on my colonial village project. I would like to compliment my class for being patient while we practiced a thousand videos for the Gala this week.
Your Blogger,
The best thing we did this week was preparing for the Gala. I liked it because we got to dress up and we got to do videos. Something that happened this week which I am proud of is me completing my first math assessment in my new math class. I would still like to improve how I write and how I express my feelings so I don't them physically. The hardest part of the week was planning my dog walking business with my friend, Eliana. I hope that next week I can spend more time on my colonial village project. I would like to compliment my class for being patient while we practiced a thousand videos for the Gala this week.
Your Blogger,
HI PEOPLES!!!!!!!!
Dear tamar parents,
The best thing I did this week was preparing for the gala.
I liked it because I love the gala.
Something I did this week which I am proud of is behaving better.
I would still like to improve how I behave.
The hardest part of the week was behaving better.
I hope that next week it will snow.
I would like to compliment Rav Hazzan and Madricha Ceceley for setting up the gala.
Your Blogger,
The best thing I did this week was preparing for the gala.
I liked it because I love the gala.
Something I did this week which I am proud of is behaving better.
I would still like to improve how I behave.
The hardest part of the week was behaving better.
I hope that next week it will snow.
I would like to compliment Rav Hazzan and Madricha Ceceley for setting up the gala.
Your Blogger,
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Rosh Chodesh Torah Readings
Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
Yesterday morning we had three Tamar students read from the torah at our Rosh Chodesh (first day of a new month) all-school tefillah. Yasher Koach to Hadass, Avia, and Eliana S. I didn't get the best shots because all three girls' heads barely make it over the podium, but check the photos out below.
Hamorah Eliza
Yesterday morning we had three Tamar students read from the torah at our Rosh Chodesh (first day of a new month) all-school tefillah. Yasher Koach to Hadass, Avia, and Eliana S. I didn't get the best shots because all three girls' heads barely make it over the podium, but check the photos out below.
Eliana reads from the torah. |
Avia reads from the torah. |
Hadass reads from the torah. |
Hamorah Eliza
Monday, December 2, 2013
Dear Reader,
Over Thanksgiving break, I got to see my cousin's at my Savta's house in Connecticut. My favorite thing I did over Thanksgiving is baking sufganiot. on the first day of hanukah I figured out that the car was broken. on the last day i was in CT, i played with a cat and 4 dogs.
Your blogger
Over Thanksgiving break, I got to see my cousin's at my Savta's house in Connecticut. My favorite thing I did over Thanksgiving is baking sufganiot. on the first day of hanukah I figured out that the car was broken. on the last day i was in CT, i played with a cat and 4 dogs.
Your blogger
Dear Parents and Readers,
Over Thanksgiving break I went over to my friend Amanda's house.
We went to a light place which I forgot what it was called we also went to paint pottery in Connecticut.
We watched 12 dates of Christmas where a girl was going on a blind date with a cute guy while trying to get her ex-boyfriend back. He is going to propose to his girlfriend and she got mad and earlier that day she got sprayed with magic perfume which made her repeat her day.
At the light place I was at the fried dough booth I met a guy and me and my friend fought over him and she ended up giving him up to me. Also, over this vacation I went to church with my friend.
The writer,
Thanksgiving in New York!
Dear Reader,
Over Thanksgiving break, I went to New York with my mom. I saw a deer on the highway, many trains, and airplanes. I saw my cousins and my grandmother and grandfather. One present I got for Hanukkah was a Nintendo 3DS. I got the game Lego city Undercover! I had a great time at New York!
Over Thanksgiving break, I went to New York with my mom. I saw a deer on the highway, many trains, and airplanes. I saw my cousins and my grandmother and grandfather. One present I got for Hanukkah was a Nintendo 3DS. I got the game Lego city Undercover! I had a great time at New York!
Thanksgivakah Break
Hi Pepols,
Over Thanksgivakah break I went to my grandmothers house and had thanksgiving there.
two of my favorite presents are two American girl books Saige and Meet Caroline for Hanukah.
Also i got a Pandora braclet with a jewish star charm.
Another one is figure skates.
so far I have got a lot of presents!
Your Blogger,
Over Thanksgivakah break I went to my grandmothers house and had thanksgiving there.
two of my favorite presents are two American girl books Saige and Meet Caroline for Hanukah.
Also i got a Pandora braclet with a jewish star charm.
Another one is figure skates.
so far I have got a lot of presents!
Your Blogger,
Dear Readers,
Over Thanksgivukah break I went snowboarding.
One present I got for Hanukkah is a bike jump.
I tried it but i fell.
I hurt myself trying to stop myself on the snowboard.
Your Blogger,
Over Thanksgivukah break I went snowboarding.
One present I got for Hanukkah is a bike jump.
I tried it but i fell.
I hurt myself trying to stop myself on the snowboard.
Your Blogger,
Week Review
Dear blog readers,
Over Thanksgivukkah break I went to my cousin's cousin's house.
Two presents I got for Hanukkah was, one a hess truck and two a puzzle calendar.
On the first day of Hanukkah I got a Kindle Fire HD.
I smelled latkes, I heard the TV, I tasted sweetness, I saw the turkey and I touched the food.
I travelled to Sharon. It was fun.
Yours Truly,
Eliana S.
Over Thanksgivukkah break I went to my cousin's cousin's house.
Two presents I got for Hanukkah was, one a hess truck and two a puzzle calendar.
On the first day of Hanukkah I got a Kindle Fire HD.
I smelled latkes, I heard the TV, I tasted sweetness, I saw the turkey and I touched the food.
I travelled to Sharon. It was fun.
Yours Truly,
Eliana S.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Hanukkah MWJDS Style
Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
Today we had a fabulous pre-Hanukkah celebration! In mixed age groupings, students participated in a Hanukkah scavenger hunt, did Hanukkah-themed arts and crafts, and sang songs to ring in the holiday.
After our usual weekly Shabbat program, students ate the traditional Hanukkah food, sufganot, which are jelly donuts. We eat jelly donuts and other fried foods for Hanukkah because the oil used to cook them symbolizes the temple oil that lasted eight days instead of one.
We ended the day in a special way too. Hamorah Sigalit made a dreidel-shaped pinata for the students. Inside, there was mini dreidels filled with Hanukkah gelt.
Ask your children to tell you about the fun they had today.
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Hanukkah Arts |
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Hanukkah Crafts |
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Bryce is hard at work |
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Third Grade girls and their art |
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Gefen sings a Hanukkah song for the school |
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Tamar sings a Hanukkah song for the school |
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Hamorah Sigalit empties a dreidel pinata for the students |
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Students rush to retrieve the pinata treats! |
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Students unwrapping the pinata treats |
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Bryce says "cheese" with his gelt-filled dreidel |
Hamorah Eliza
Dear Tamar parents,
The best thing we did this week was learning a song in hebrew.
I liked it because i like singing.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is learning some more spanish.
I would still like to improve how I react.
The hardest part of the week was not getting angry at people I don't like.
I would like to compliment Hamorah Eliza for being a great teacher this week.
The best thing we did this week was learning a song in hebrew.
I liked it because i like singing.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is learning some more spanish.
I would still like to improve how I react.
The hardest part of the week was not getting angry at people I don't like.
I would like to compliment Hamorah Eliza for being a great teacher this week.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Watch Students Play Their Own Homemade Shiloh Board Games!
Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
Tamar students have been hard at work on their final assessments for our last Guided Reading book, Shiloh. There were a variety of assessment options from which students could choose. The most popular choice was to make a Shiloh Board Game. Here was the assignment:
Make a board game based on the novel. Make sure to include all of the "challenges" Marty and Shiloh face throughout the book before they are able to be together. Include: game board, playing pieces, instructions, and any other necessary components for your game.
Projects were due yesterday so we spent some time this morning "testing out" the games students made. It was great fun! Check out the following pictures of students playing their own creations.
Students play "Marty's Maze" |
Students play "Steal Shiloh" |
Students play "Shiloh's World" |
"Marty's Maze" |
Hamorah Eliza
Friday, November 15, 2013
Tefillah And Hamorah Eliza's Math Class
Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
It was a pleasure to see so many of you on Monday to discuss your children and the bright, inquisitive, independent students they are becoming. If you did not come in Monday and you would like to, it's not too late! Please feel free to email me (or any teacher you would like to meet with, for that matter) so we can set up an appointment.
What a week! I will start off with pictures from this morning's All-School Tefillah because, well, who doesn't love to see their children looking happy and engaged, and in leadership roles?
Last year we did All-School Tefillah once a month. This year we do it each Friday morning. It's been a really nice and community-building addition to the structure of our school week. I think the children enjoy it too. Not all All-School Tefillot are the same, though. For example, last week the older grades (3-7) did a meditation Tefillah led by Rav-Hazzan. If you visited our blog last week, you may have noticed that many of the students wrote about the experience. It was definitely a hit among the kids. Ask your child to tell you more about it!
This week we had a pretty traditional service. However, at the end we had a short discussion with the older grades about the difference between praying with ruach (spirit) and getting silly. There can be a fine line between the two and we wanted the students to take time to think about the differences. Is it okay to tap your knee or your siddur with the beat of the prayer? Is that disrespectful? Are hand motions okay? Is it okay to do these things only if you are singing along too? These are not simple questions and they don't have cut-and-dry answers. I urge you to discuss the answers we came up with today with your children at home.
As you know, Gefen and Tamar students are divided among four Math classes based on their learning styles and other factors. All the Math classes are doing cool, innovative things. I hear about Mr. Merlyn's playground design project and Hamorah Michelle's dream house design project from students frequently. I know they love it. In my Math class this week we started a Probability and Statistics unit. We measured the heights of every student in our class and then talked about the RANGE of heights and then we identified some OUTLIERS. If your student is in my Math class, ask him or her what these Math terms mean. It might be fun to try to identify ranges and outliers in various data sets you and your children come across in your daily life. Two easy places to do this are the supermarket or drugstore. Compare prices of various brands of face cream or shampoo, for example. Which brands are the outliers? What is a typical price for a given product?
That's all from ME for now. But please take a moment to scroll through the wonderful, original posts your children are writing. Please note that, for the most part, this work is all unedited. Hamorah Janis and I oversee the children's writing (ie make sure the content is appropriate, etc., but we do not "fix" grammar and punctuation errors). Actually, one of the ways we work on grammar and punctuation with the students is by weeding through these posts later in the year (once enough work has accumulated). The students then edit and expand on their own published writing. It is a cool, "real life" way for them to improve their writing skills.
Hamorah Eliza
It was a pleasure to see so many of you on Monday to discuss your children and the bright, inquisitive, independent students they are becoming. If you did not come in Monday and you would like to, it's not too late! Please feel free to email me (or any teacher you would like to meet with, for that matter) so we can set up an appointment.
What a week! I will start off with pictures from this morning's All-School Tefillah because, well, who doesn't love to see their children looking happy and engaged, and in leadership roles?
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Gefen leads Ashrei. |
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Tamar leads Yishtabach |
This week we had a pretty traditional service. However, at the end we had a short discussion with the older grades about the difference between praying with ruach (spirit) and getting silly. There can be a fine line between the two and we wanted the students to take time to think about the differences. Is it okay to tap your knee or your siddur with the beat of the prayer? Is that disrespectful? Are hand motions okay? Is it okay to do these things only if you are singing along too? These are not simple questions and they don't have cut-and-dry answers. I urge you to discuss the answers we came up with today with your children at home.
As you know, Gefen and Tamar students are divided among four Math classes based on their learning styles and other factors. All the Math classes are doing cool, innovative things. I hear about Mr. Merlyn's playground design project and Hamorah Michelle's dream house design project from students frequently. I know they love it. In my Math class this week we started a Probability and Statistics unit. We measured the heights of every student in our class and then talked about the RANGE of heights and then we identified some OUTLIERS. If your student is in my Math class, ask him or her what these Math terms mean. It might be fun to try to identify ranges and outliers in various data sets you and your children come across in your daily life. Two easy places to do this are the supermarket or drugstore. Compare prices of various brands of face cream or shampoo, for example. Which brands are the outliers? What is a typical price for a given product?
That's all from ME for now. But please take a moment to scroll through the wonderful, original posts your children are writing. Please note that, for the most part, this work is all unedited. Hamorah Janis and I oversee the children's writing (ie make sure the content is appropriate, etc., but we do not "fix" grammar and punctuation errors). Actually, one of the ways we work on grammar and punctuation with the students is by weeding through these posts later in the year (once enough work has accumulated). The students then edit and expand on their own published writing. It is a cool, "real life" way for them to improve their writing skills.
Hamorah Eliza
Hadass's Week In Review
The best thing we did this week was making cookies in Jewish living. I liked it because the cookies were yummy. Something that I am proud of is being moved to another Math class. I would still like to improve how I focus on my work when it is loud in the classroom. The hardest part week was shifting to a different math class. I hope that next week we have Gym. I would like to compliment Avia for letting me perform with her in a skit when Hamorah Carol was in here. She let me annoy her on purpose for the skit.
Your Truly,
The best thing we did this week was making cookies in Jewish living. I liked it because the cookies were yummy. Something that I am proud of is being moved to another Math class. I would still like to improve how I focus on my work when it is loud in the classroom. The hardest part week was shifting to a different math class. I hope that next week we have Gym. I would like to compliment Avia for letting me perform with her in a skit when Hamorah Carol was in here. She let me annoy her on purpose for the skit.
Your Truly,
Gefen's Notes
This week our special blogger is Melanie:
Here are some highlights from the third grade classroom:
This week the class almost finished their animal project in art. First they drew their animal, then they cut them out and colored them. The last step was to glue them onto paper. Melanie decided to draw a turtle!
Melanie and all of the other students received their own dictionary from the Rotary Club. Every third grade student in this area receives a dictionary from this philanthropic organization. In addition to definitions there are maps, a list of all of the presidents, and the longest word in the world.
Wishing you all a safe and restful Shabbat,
Melanie and Hamorah Janis
Here are some highlights from the third grade classroom:
This week the class almost finished their animal project in art. First they drew their animal, then they cut them out and colored them. The last step was to glue them onto paper. Melanie decided to draw a turtle!
Melanie and all of the other students received their own dictionary from the Rotary Club. Every third grade student in this area receives a dictionary from this philanthropic organization. In addition to definitions there are maps, a list of all of the presidents, and the longest word in the world.
Wishing you all a safe and restful Shabbat,
Melanie and Hamorah Janis
The Week Before My Birthday!
Dear Everybody,
The best thing we did this week was made Chanukah cookies in Jewish Living.
I like it because I like cookies.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is getting a lot of cubes in our cubes jar. We get cubes when we behave.
I would still like to improve how I behave.
The hardest part of the week was playing a Math game called Pica Firma Nada.
I hope that next week I finish my Shiloh project.
I would like to compliment Avia for fixing my toy this week.
Gobble Tov,
The best thing we did this week was made Chanukah cookies in Jewish Living.
I like it because I like cookies.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is getting a lot of cubes in our cubes jar. We get cubes when we behave.
I would still like to improve how I behave.
The hardest part of the week was playing a Math game called Pica Firma Nada.
I hope that next week I finish my Shiloh project.
I would like to compliment Avia for fixing my toy this week.
Gobble Tov,
Avia's Week
Dear Blog Readers,
The best thing we did this week was: watching the movie in trope with Rav-Hazzan. I liked it because: it was fun watching a movie in school. Something that happened this week which I am proud of is: making really yummy chanukah cookies. I would still like to improve how I: practice for the talent show. The hardest part of the week was: guessing what the sound of an animal was. It turned out to be a tree frog. I hope that next week we: start our project with our k-buddies. I would like to complement hamorah Eliza for making class awesome.
I hope you liked my blog,
The best thing we did this week was: watching the movie in trope with Rav-Hazzan. I liked it because: it was fun watching a movie in school. Something that happened this week which I am proud of is: making really yummy chanukah cookies. I would still like to improve how I: practice for the talent show. The hardest part of the week was: guessing what the sound of an animal was. It turned out to be a tree frog. I hope that next week we: start our project with our k-buddies. I would like to complement hamorah Eliza for making class awesome.
I hope you liked my blog,
The week for me
Dear friends, readers and parents,
The best thing we did this week was watching the movie about the boy with downsindrum who had a bar mitzvah.
I liked it because it was educational and interesting.
Something I did this week which I am proud of is acting out my date with Micah in drama.
I would still like to improve how i learn Fractions.
The hardest part of the week was thinking of what to do for the talent show.
I hope that next week I get an A on Shiloh project I would like to complement Avia for being a good friend and hanging out with me this week.
The writer,
Week Review
Dear Blog Readers,
I liked it because we got to eat the cookies.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is being with my kindergarten buddies.
I would still like to improve how I write.
The hardest part of the week was measuring people in math.
I hope that next week we work on our social studies colony project.
I would like to compliment Hamorah Eliza for being a great teacher all the time. :)
Yours Truly,
Eliana S.
Super Bowl 2
Shalom Friends,
The best thing that happened this week was winning game 5 of the super bowl. I liked it because I got the winning catch. Something that happened this week which I am proud of is catching the ball. I would still like to improve how I get open. The hardest part of the week was my reading assessment. I hope next week I will finish the assessment. I would like to compliment Bryce for giving me high-fives.
As Always, Stay Cool,
The best thing that happened this week was winning game 5 of the super bowl. I liked it because I got the winning catch. Something that happened this week which I am proud of is catching the ball. I would still like to improve how I get open. The hardest part of the week was my reading assessment. I hope next week I will finish the assessment. I would like to compliment Bryce for giving me high-fives.
As Always, Stay Cool,
Bryce's Week
Dear parents,
The best thing we did this week was making cookies. I liked it because was really fun. Something that happened this week which I am proud of is the Shiloh project. I would still like to improve how I learn.
The hardest part of the week was math. I hope that next week we have gym. I would like to compliment Hadass for being a good friend.
Your Blogger,
The best thing we did this week was making cookies. I liked it because was really fun. Something that happened this week which I am proud of is the Shiloh project. I would still like to improve how I learn.
The hardest part of the week was math. I hope that next week we have gym. I would like to compliment Hadass for being a good friend.
Your Blogger,
Friday, November 8, 2013
Super Bowl
Shalom Friends,
The best thing that I did this week was the recess Super Bowl. I liked it because I like playing with my friends. Something that happened this week which I am proud of is winning game 2 of the Super Bowl. I would still like to improve on how I catch the ball. The hardest part of the week was thinking of the hardest part of the week.
As Always, Stay Cool,
The best thing that I did this week was the recess Super Bowl. I liked it because I like playing with my friends. Something that happened this week which I am proud of is winning game 2 of the Super Bowl. I would still like to improve on how I catch the ball. The hardest part of the week was thinking of the hardest part of the week.
As Always, Stay Cool,
About This Week
The best thing we did this week was the Shiloh project. I liked it because it's about dogs. I would still like to improve how I write. The hardest part of the week was studying for the spelling test. I hope that next week we have more Math. I would like to compliment Hamorah Eliza for teaching me stacked multiplication this week.
Your Blogger,
The best thing we did this week was the Shiloh project. I liked it because it's about dogs. I would still like to improve how I write. The hardest part of the week was studying for the spelling test. I hope that next week we have more Math. I would like to compliment Hamorah Eliza for teaching me stacked multiplication this week.
Your Blogger,
Jonathan's Week
The best thing we did this week was make a Science horn and guitar.
I like it because I like loudness sometimes.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is doing my Jewish Living homework.
I would still like to improve my spelling.
The hardest part of this week was writing this blog post.
I hope that next week I don't have trouble on this assignment again.
I would like to compliment Meg for helping me with my work during Math this week.
The best thing we did this week was make a Science horn and guitar.
I like it because I like loudness sometimes.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is doing my Jewish Living homework.
I would still like to improve my spelling.
The hardest part of this week was writing this blog post.
I hope that next week I don't have trouble on this assignment again.
I would like to compliment Meg for helping me with my work during Math this week.
Hi Peoples!!!!!!
The Best Thing We Did This Week Was Meditating During Tefillah.I Liked It Because Everyone Was Quiet.Something That Happened This Week Which I Am Proud Of Is My Math Test.I Would Still Like To Improve How I Behave.The Hardest Part Of My Week Was Not Falling Asleep When We Were Relaxing.I Hope That Next Week My Dad Will Be Able To Drive.I Would Like To Compliment Hamorah Carol For Giving Us Ideas For Behavior.
Your Blogger,
The Best Thing We Did This Week Was Meditating During Tefillah.I Liked It Because Everyone Was Quiet.Something That Happened This Week Which I Am Proud Of Is My Math Test.I Would Still Like To Improve How I Behave.The Hardest Part Of My Week Was Not Falling Asleep When We Were Relaxing.I Hope That Next Week My Dad Will Be Able To Drive.I Would Like To Compliment Hamorah Carol For Giving Us Ideas For Behavior.
Your Blogger,
My week
dear mwjds readers,
the best thing we did this week was: doing the shiloh project.
I liked it because: Meg and I are making a gamebord together.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is: I did another test
in math and I think I did good on it.
I would still like to improve how I: do in hebrew to speak it fluently.
the hardest part of the week was: meeting with hamorah Carol because nobody was listening.
I hope that next week we: get to go to our kindergarten buddies.
I would like to compliment: hamorah Michelle for making math really fun this week.
the best thing we did this week was: doing the shiloh project.
I liked it because: Meg and I are making a gamebord together.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is: I did another test
in math and I think I did good on it.
I would still like to improve how I: do in hebrew to speak it fluently.
the hardest part of the week was: meeting with hamorah Carol because nobody was listening.
I hope that next week we: get to go to our kindergarten buddies.
I would like to compliment: hamorah Michelle for making math really fun this week.
Gefen's Notes
Dear Gefen Parents,
This week Amanda S. is our blog reporter.
Here are some of the highlights from our week (11/3-11/8):
We read from our new book called Frindle, by Andrew Clements. It is a cool book about a boy named Nick who is a troublemaker, he liked to play tricks on his teachers. His newest teacher figured out very quickly that he is up to no good.
We went to Plimoth and one of the things we saw was a Wetu. This is where the Wampanoag lived, it has a big hole in the roof. We also got to watch a movie. The weather was really nice! Many thanks to Dov and Robin for coming with us.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Shabbat Shalom,
This week Amanda S. is our blog reporter.
Here are some of the highlights from our week (11/3-11/8):
We read from our new book called Frindle, by Andrew Clements. It is a cool book about a boy named Nick who is a troublemaker, he liked to play tricks on his teachers. His newest teacher figured out very quickly that he is up to no good.
We went to Plimoth and one of the things we saw was a Wetu. This is where the Wampanoag lived, it has a big hole in the roof. We also got to watch a movie. The weather was really nice! Many thanks to Dov and Robin for coming with us.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Shabbat Shalom,
Weekly Post
Dear Friends, Parents and Readers,
The best thing we did this week was finishing Social Studies reading.
I liked it because we got to highlight are page by are self and we will soon start the project.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is how far we got in the Shiloh project.
I would still like to improve how I did on my math test (not saying i did bad).
The hardest part of this week was learning about the new behavior system.
I hope that next week our Shiloh project will turn out nice.
I would like to compliment Hamorah Eliza for giving us so much time for our projects.
The Writer ,
The best thing we did this week was finishing Social Studies reading.
I liked it because we got to highlight are page by are self and we will soon start the project.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is how far we got in the Shiloh project.
I would still like to improve how I did on my math test (not saying i did bad).
The hardest part of this week was learning about the new behavior system.
I hope that next week our Shiloh project will turn out nice.
I would like to compliment Hamorah Eliza for giving us so much time for our projects.
The Writer ,
Week Review
Dear Blog Readers,
The best thing we did this week was our Shiloh project.
I liked it because Elliana C. and I are doing a board game.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is my math assessment.
I would still like improve how I write.
The hardest part of the week was making a guitar and horn, made out of foil, felt, clay and rubber bands in science.
I hope that next week we continue on our Shiloh project.
I would like to compliment Elliana C.for being a good friend this week. :)
Yours Truly,
Eliana S.
The best thing we did this week was our Shiloh project.
I liked it because Elliana C. and I are doing a board game.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is my math assessment.
I would still like improve how I write.
The hardest part of the week was making a guitar and horn, made out of foil, felt, clay and rubber bands in science.
I hope that next week we continue on our Shiloh project.
I would like to compliment Elliana C.for being a good friend this week. :)
Yours Truly,
Eliana S.
Bryce's Week In Review
Dear Parents,
The best thing we did this week was meditating during tefillah. I liked it because it was calming. Something that happend this week which I am proud of is doing the shiloh project. I would still like to improve how I listen. The hardest part of the week was the new behavior system. I hope that next week we have more science. I would like to compliment hamorah Eliza for being a great teacher.
Your Blogger,
The best thing we did this week was meditating during tefillah. I liked it because it was calming. Something that happend this week which I am proud of is doing the shiloh project. I would still like to improve how I listen. The hardest part of the week was the new behavior system. I hope that next week we have more science. I would like to compliment hamorah Eliza for being a great teacher.
Your Blogger,
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Acoustical Engineering and Kwame's Sound
Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
In Science this semester we are in the midst of a unit called Sound and Acoustical Engineering. One of the things that makes the unit special is that it is much more than just a science unit. Rather, the curriculum integrates science with technology, engineering, literature, and geography to offer students a comprehensive understanding not only of sound, but of how sound effects and communicates with the world in which we live.
Most recently, we did a lesson that involved reading a story called Kwame's Sound. The story is about Kwame, a young boy who lives in Ghana. Kwame's father is an Acoustical Engineer and he works with research biologists to use sound recording devices to track elephants' movements in the forest. They then represent these sounds in pictures called spectrograms, where they can measure the sounds more accurately. By using spectrograms to track the sounds the elephants make, Kwame's father and his colleagues can estimate the number of elephants living in the forest without actually seeing them.
After spending time with his father and another research biologist, Kwame decides that he could use spectograms to help him in his own life. He and his cousin are planning to play drums together at an upcoming new year's celebration but they live too faraway from one another to practice together in advance. Kwame creates a spectrogram to represent a drum beat he has written and mails it to his cousin. Then the two boys practice on their own in the days leading up to their performance. On the day of the performance the boys are able to play the same rhythm together and be in sync with one another without having practiced together a single time before!
The purpose of this story is to introduce students to the concept of sounds that we can see or feel. Students learned many vocabulary words and concepts like the Engineering Design Process, which is a process that engineers use to design technologies. Here are some photographs of the students completing worksheets on the EDP (Engineering Design Process) and relevant vocabulary.
Next class we will do some hands-on exploration that involves learning what it means to "dampen" sound. In the meantime, ask your Gefen and Tamar students about the Engineering Design Process. They should be able to outline it for you succinctly.
Hamorah Eliza
In Science this semester we are in the midst of a unit called Sound and Acoustical Engineering. One of the things that makes the unit special is that it is much more than just a science unit. Rather, the curriculum integrates science with technology, engineering, literature, and geography to offer students a comprehensive understanding not only of sound, but of how sound effects and communicates with the world in which we live.
Most recently, we did a lesson that involved reading a story called Kwame's Sound. The story is about Kwame, a young boy who lives in Ghana. Kwame's father is an Acoustical Engineer and he works with research biologists to use sound recording devices to track elephants' movements in the forest. They then represent these sounds in pictures called spectrograms, where they can measure the sounds more accurately. By using spectrograms to track the sounds the elephants make, Kwame's father and his colleagues can estimate the number of elephants living in the forest without actually seeing them.
After spending time with his father and another research biologist, Kwame decides that he could use spectograms to help him in his own life. He and his cousin are planning to play drums together at an upcoming new year's celebration but they live too faraway from one another to practice together in advance. Kwame creates a spectrogram to represent a drum beat he has written and mails it to his cousin. Then the two boys practice on their own in the days leading up to their performance. On the day of the performance the boys are able to play the same rhythm together and be in sync with one another without having practiced together a single time before!
The purpose of this story is to introduce students to the concept of sounds that we can see or feel. Students learned many vocabulary words and concepts like the Engineering Design Process, which is a process that engineers use to design technologies. Here are some photographs of the students completing worksheets on the EDP (Engineering Design Process) and relevant vocabulary.
Next class we will do some hands-on exploration that involves learning what it means to "dampen" sound. In the meantime, ask your Gefen and Tamar students about the Engineering Design Process. They should be able to outline it for you succinctly.
Hamorah Eliza
Monday, October 28, 2013
Amanda's blog
The best thing we did last week was gym because it is so much fun playing soccer. I liked it because it is so much fun playing with all my friends.
Something that happened last week which I am proud of was math because I did a good job on my multiplication. I would still like to improve how I read because I am not the best at my reading. The hardest part of last week was reading My Sister Is A Vampire.
I hop that this week I have Art because I have fun in Art with my friends.
I would like to compliment Hamorah Janis and my friends for being nice to me and my friends last week.
-Amanda Mintz
Something that happened last week which I am proud of was math because I did a good job on my multiplication. I would still like to improve how I read because I am not the best at my reading. The hardest part of last week was reading My Sister Is A Vampire.
I hop that this week I have Art because I have fun in Art with my friends.
I would like to compliment Hamorah Janis and my friends for being nice to me and my friends last week.
-Amanda Mintz
What's Up Readers!
The best thing we did last week was gym because I got to play soccer. I liked it because all of my friends were on my team. Something that happened last week which I was proud of is how I write. I would still like to improve how I write. The hardest part of last week was art because everyone was screaming and Hamorah Patty was upset. I hope that next week I won't get in a fight with anyone. I would like to compliment Talia for helping my sister get better at soccer in after school last week.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Week In Review
Hello Persons,
The best part of my week was the mock trial.
I liked it because I liked the part I played. I wrote down what the judge said.
I am proud of how I taught my kindergarten buddy how to read.
I would still like to improve how I behave.
The hardest part of my week was listening to my classmates sing a song I don't like.
I hope next week I behave better and pay attention more.
The best part of my week was the mock trial.
I liked it because I liked the part I played. I wrote down what the judge said.
I am proud of how I taught my kindergarten buddy how to read.
I would still like to improve how I behave.
The hardest part of my week was listening to my classmates sing a song I don't like.
I hope next week I behave better and pay attention more.
Week In Review
Hi Readers,
The best thing we did this week was debate. I liked it becouse it was fun. I would still like to improve how I behave. The hardest part of the week was preparing for the spelling test. I hope that next week I don't have trouble controlling my behavior.
The best thing we did this week was debate. I liked it becouse it was fun. I would still like to improve how I behave. The hardest part of the week was preparing for the spelling test. I hope that next week I don't have trouble controlling my behavior.
Week In Review
Dear MWJDS readers,
The best thing we did this week was: the extended program with Mr. Merlyn.
I liked it because Eliana S. and I did a funny skit together called "Get a Job."
I would still like to improve how I do in math class.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is: my spelling.
The hardest part of the week was: at kindergarten buddies my buddy, Ashley was not there.
I hope that next week: Ashley is there for k-buddies.
I would like to compliment Eliana S. for being a really nice friend this week.
The best thing we did this week was: the extended program with Mr. Merlyn.
I liked it because Eliana S. and I did a funny skit together called "Get a Job."
I would still like to improve how I do in math class.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is: my spelling.
The hardest part of the week was: at kindergarten buddies my buddy, Ashley was not there.
I hope that next week: Ashley is there for k-buddies.
I would like to compliment Eliana S. for being a really nice friend this week.
Shalom Friends,
The best thing we did this week was debate. I liked it because it helps in some situations. Something that happened this which I am proud of is getting a interception in football. I would still like to improve on how I catch the football. The hardest part of the week was writing this post. I hope next week writing this will be easier. I would like to complement Mr. Merlyn for holding the debate club this week.
As Always, Stay Cool,
The best thing we did this week was debate. I liked it because it helps in some situations. Something that happened this which I am proud of is getting a interception in football. I would still like to improve on how I catch the football. The hardest part of the week was writing this post. I hope next week writing this will be easier. I would like to complement Mr. Merlyn for holding the debate club this week.
As Always, Stay Cool,
Week Review
Dear Blog Readers,
The best thing we did this week was drama with Mr. Merlyn. I liked it because I did a skit with Avia.
Something that happened this week that I am proud is working on my spelling test. I would still like to improve how I read. The hardest part of the week was getting over Shiloh because it is sad. I hope that next week we work on our colony project and video for the Gala. I would like to compliment Avia for being a nice friend :).
Best Wishes,
Eliana S.
The best thing we did this week was drama with Mr. Merlyn. I liked it because I did a skit with Avia.
Something that happened this week that I am proud is working on my spelling test. I would still like to improve how I read. The hardest part of the week was getting over Shiloh because it is sad. I hope that next week we work on our colony project and video for the Gala. I would like to compliment Avia for being a nice friend :).
Best Wishes,
Eliana S.
Hi People
The best thing I did this week was dibate.
I liked it because i like to argue.
Something that happend this week which I am proud of is creating a new tipe of paper airplane.
I would still like to improve how i am behaved.
The hardest part of the week was not getting to angry at some people that were being mean to me
i hope that next week hamora wayne comes back.
i would like to compliment hamorah eliza for being a good teacherthis week
your blogger,
I liked it because i like to argue.
Something that happend this week which I am proud of is creating a new tipe of paper airplane.
I would still like to improve how i am behaved.
The hardest part of the week was not getting to angry at some people that were being mean to me
i hope that next week hamora wayne comes back.
i would like to compliment hamorah eliza for being a good teacherthis week
your blogger,
My week review
The best thing we did this week was Nathans in school bar mitzvah.
I liked it because we got Donuts,Cookies,fruit and candy (not our language candy ).
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is my debate abilities .
I would still like to improve how I debate.
The hardest part of this week was debating.
I hope that next week was we will have fun at drama.
I would like to compliment Mr. Merlin for hosting Debate and Drama this week.Elliana
Gefen's Weekly News
Every week we will have a special blogger to report the highlights in the Gefen class. This week Nate will be the blogger.
Here's the news: In social studies we finished the unit on Massachusetts and started to learn about the Wampanoag Tribe. They got everything they needed to live from nature. They got their food from the soil and the boats they used were made from tree trunks.
A highlight of the week was when we celebrated Nathan Nichols' Bar Mitzvah. We would like to wish the whole family a hearty mazel tov!
Shabbat Shalom,
Here's the news: In social studies we finished the unit on Massachusetts and started to learn about the Wampanoag Tribe. They got everything they needed to live from nature. They got their food from the soil and the boats they used were made from tree trunks.
A highlight of the week was when we celebrated Nathan Nichols' Bar Mitzvah. We would like to wish the whole family a hearty mazel tov!
Shabbat Shalom,
Monday, October 21, 2013
Week in review
Week in review
The best thing we did this week was kindergarten buddies.
I liked it because my buddy Sofia is adorable and enjoys the tire swing.
Something that happened this week which I am proud how amazing I've been with Sofia.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Zip Zap Boing and Multiple Turnover in Math Class
Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
This morning in my section's Math class, we played two really fun games. First, we played a game called Zip Zap Boing. It's a game that helps students practice their knowledge of factors and multiples. In the process, though, it gets very silly (and fun). Students count around the room. Whenever someone gets to a number that's a multiple of 3, they say the word "zip" instead of saying that number. Whenever someone gets to a number that's a multiple of 5, they say "zap" instead of that number. And whenever someone gets to a number that is a multiple of both 3 AND 5, they say "boing" instead of that number. It's a lot harder than it sounds. And we definitely had some tongue-twister moments!
After Zip Zap Boing, we played another game called Multiple Turnover. Multiple Turnover is another game that deals with factors and multiples, which is the focus of our current unit. It's a bit more complicated to explain the rules of this one, so I've uploaded the directions here.
And here are two more photos of students playing Multiple Turnover.
Students each have their own Multiple Turnover "decks" so it might be fun if you tried playing the game at home as a family!
Hamorah Eliza
This morning in my section's Math class, we played two really fun games. First, we played a game called Zip Zap Boing. It's a game that helps students practice their knowledge of factors and multiples. In the process, though, it gets very silly (and fun). Students count around the room. Whenever someone gets to a number that's a multiple of 3, they say the word "zip" instead of saying that number. Whenever someone gets to a number that's a multiple of 5, they say "zap" instead of that number. And whenever someone gets to a number that is a multiple of both 3 AND 5, they say "boing" instead of that number. It's a lot harder than it sounds. And we definitely had some tongue-twister moments!
After Zip Zap Boing, we played another game called Multiple Turnover. Multiple Turnover is another game that deals with factors and multiples, which is the focus of our current unit. It's a bit more complicated to explain the rules of this one, so I've uploaded the directions here.
And here are two more photos of students playing Multiple Turnover.
Students each have their own Multiple Turnover "decks" so it might be fun if you tried playing the game at home as a family!
Hamorah Eliza
Monday, October 14, 2013
What the Week was.
Shalom Friends,
The best thing I did this week was hot lunch. I liked it because there was so many choices to choose from. ( There was pizza! ) Something that happened this week which I am proud of is that I finished my graph in math. I would still like to improve my working pace. The hardest part of the week was doing my graph. I hope that next week I will ace my hebrew test. I would like to compliment Aiden for throwing away my trash.
As Always Stay Cool,
The best thing I did this week was hot lunch. I liked it because there was so many choices to choose from. ( There was pizza! ) Something that happened this week which I am proud of is that I finished my graph in math. I would still like to improve my working pace. The hardest part of the week was doing my graph. I hope that next week I will ace my hebrew test. I would like to compliment Aiden for throwing away my trash.
As Always Stay Cool,
Friday, October 11, 2013
The Weekly Tamar News
Hi Readers,
The best thing we did this week was going to the jazz concert. I liked it because the music was nice. something that happened this week which I am proud of is not going to the principal.
Something I would still like to improve how I write. The hardest part of the week was taking a million math assessments. I hope that next week we take a field trip. I would like to compliment Avia for tolerating me.
Your Blogger,
The best thing we did this week was going to the jazz concert. I liked it because the music was nice. something that happened this week which I am proud of is not going to the principal.
Something I would still like to improve how I write. The hardest part of the week was taking a million math assessments. I hope that next week we take a field trip. I would like to compliment Avia for tolerating me.
Your Blogger,
Jonathan's Week
Dear Blog Readers,
The best thing of this week is the jazz concert. I liked it because of the music. I would still like to improve my behavior. The hardest part of the week was taking all of the math assessments. I hope that next week I will do better on the math assessments.
My Week
The best thing I did this week was make a movie with Elliana, Sam, Me, Melanie, Will, and Max.
I liked it because it is an actual movie!
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is making the movie.
I would still like to improve how I play with people.
The hardest part of my week was when my dad had surgery.
I hope that next week we will have a field trip.
I would like to complement Elliana for directing the movie!
Your Blogger,
I liked it because it is an actual movie!
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is making the movie.
I would still like to improve how I play with people.
The hardest part of my week was when my dad had surgery.
I hope that next week we will have a field trip.
I would like to complement Elliana for directing the movie!
Your Blogger,
Gefen's Weekly News
Hello Gefen Parents,
This week the students have been learning map skills and facts about Massachusetts. Next week we will begin to learn about the Wampanoags and Pilgrims.
I have planned a trip for the third grade students to visit Plimoth Plantation on November 6, 2013. We will need chaperones/drivers to accompany us on our trip.
I will be sending emails regarding this fun trip with important information regarding lunches, dress, etc.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
This week the students have been learning map skills and facts about Massachusetts. Next week we will begin to learn about the Wampanoags and Pilgrims.
I have planned a trip for the third grade students to visit Plimoth Plantation on November 6, 2013. We will need chaperones/drivers to accompany us on our trip.
I will be sending emails regarding this fun trip with important information regarding lunches, dress, etc.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Week Review
Dear Blog Readers,
The best thing we did this week was The Jazz Concert. I liked it because I love music.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is working on highlighting in social studies.
I would still like to improve how I write.
The hardest part of the week was taking a million math assessments.
I hope that next week we work on our colony house project.
I would like to compliment Hadass's hair.
Yours Truly,
Eliana S.
The best thing we did this week was The Jazz Concert. I liked it because I love music.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is working on highlighting in social studies.
I would still like to improve how I write.
The hardest part of the week was taking a million math assessments.
I hope that next week we work on our colony house project.
I would like to compliment Hadass's hair.
Yours Truly,
Eliana S.
Week in review
The best thing I did this week was probably: going to see our kindergarten buddies on Thursday,
I liked it because: our buddies are adorable.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is: we are making a leaf pile and it is huge.
I would still like to improve how I :do in hebrew.
The hardest part of the week was: taking a test in math.
I hope next week: we finish the leaf pile.
I would like to compliment: Hadass for being a really good friend this week.
The best thing I did this week was probably: going to see our kindergarten buddies on Thursday,
I liked it because: our buddies are adorable.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is: we are making a leaf pile and it is huge.
I would still like to improve how I :do in hebrew.
The hardest part of the week was: taking a test in math.
I hope next week: we finish the leaf pile.
I would like to compliment: Hadass for being a really good friend this week.
This Week
The best thing we did this week was gym.
I like it because we got to run around and I like the gym teacher.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is making a giant leaf pile.
I would still like to improve how I do my homework.
The hardest part of the week was helping my kindergarten buddy Max get along with everyone at recess.
I hope next week we have gym.
I would like to compliment Hamorah Eliza for being a great teacher this week.
Your Blogger ,
I like it because we got to run around and I like the gym teacher.
Something that happened this week which I am proud of is making a giant leaf pile.
I would still like to improve how I do my homework.
The hardest part of the week was helping my kindergarten buddy Max get along with everyone at recess.
I hope next week we have gym.
I would like to compliment Hamorah Eliza for being a great teacher this week.
Your Blogger ,
Monday, October 7, 2013
MWJDS Students Enjoy Jazz Concert at Mechanics Hall
Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
This morning Gefen and Tamar, along with MWJDS's fifth, sixth, and seventh grades, were treated to a concert for children, Conversations in Jazz. The concert took place at the famous and historic Mechanics Hall concert hall in Worcester. Students learned about the origins of Jazz and were exposed to several different types of Jazz music. Here is a video of students enjoying a rendition of "When the Saints Go Marching In".
The Jazz concert, which lasted about an hour, was a wonderful way for students to learn about this genre of music. Here are some more pictures from our trip.
Hamorah Eliza
Friday, October 4, 2013
Our First All-School Tefillah
Dear Friends of Gefen and Tamar,
This morning we had our first all-school Tefillah of the year. We typically have all-school Tefillah on Rosh Chodesh (the first day of a new month); today is the first day of Heshvan. This morning was fun for all MWJDS students, but it was particularly special for our class because five fourth graders read from the torah. All the fourth graders came together to lead the school in Ahavah Rabbah. And third graders led the school in Ashrei.
This morning we had our first all-school Tefillah of the year. We typically have all-school Tefillah on Rosh Chodesh (the first day of a new month); today is the first day of Heshvan. This morning was fun for all MWJDS students, but it was particularly special for our class because five fourth graders read from the torah. All the fourth graders came together to lead the school in Ahavah Rabbah. And third graders led the school in Ashrei.
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Third Graders lead Ashrei. |
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Another shot of the Third Graders leading Ashrei. |
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Fourth Graders lead Ahavah Rabbah. |
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Fourth Grade boys lead the school in prayer. |
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Another shot of the Fourth Graders leading Ahavah Rabbah. |
Here is a video Hadass reading from the torah! I attempted to take video footage of all the students reading from the torah, but unfortunately, the others did not come out.
It was fun to have some parents from the Gefen/Tamar class join us to pray this morning. We hope you will all consider joining us for an all-school Tefillah in the future.
Hamorah Eliza
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Jake helped Rav-Hazzan dress the torah when it was time to put it away. |
It was fun to have some parents from the Gefen/Tamar class join us to pray this morning. We hope you will all consider joining us for an all-school Tefillah in the future.
Hamorah Eliza
Dear Gefen Parents,
This morning we had a wonderful all school tefillah and the Gefen students led the Ashrei.
We had a busy week so the students wanted to share some of their reflections and highlights:
Alyssa - "I like math because we are using flashcards."
Amanda M - "Math is fun because I like doing multiplication."
Justin - "I like math because I am using my brain."
Nate - "During recess I like playing football."
Aiden - "I liked reading, Weird But True, during DEAR time."
Amada - I liked writing in our journals about a family tradition."
Jake - "I liked Hebrew this week because we got to play games."
Talia - "I liked reading and writing!"
Maayan - "I like our read aloud. The book is called, The Thing About Georgie."
Hamorah Janis - "I loved the fact that we had a full week of school and accomplished many things this week!"
Shabbat Shalom,
This morning we had a wonderful all school tefillah and the Gefen students led the Ashrei.
We had a busy week so the students wanted to share some of their reflections and highlights:
Alyssa - "I like math because we are using flashcards."
Amanda M - "Math is fun because I like doing multiplication."
Justin - "I like math because I am using my brain."
Nate - "During recess I like playing football."
Aiden - "I liked reading, Weird But True, during DEAR time."
Amada - I liked writing in our journals about a family tradition."
Jake - "I liked Hebrew this week because we got to play games."
Talia - "I liked reading and writing!"
Maayan - "I like our read aloud. The book is called, The Thing About Georgie."
Hamorah Janis - "I loved the fact that we had a full week of school and accomplished many things this week!"
Shabbat Shalom,
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